Friday, 4 December 2009

Positive 2: Cycling in the City

HHstyle by Tadao Ando. Found by bicycle. Tokyo. Sep. 07

Is walking in the city to be replaced?

In cities that are being subsumed by green efforts to get people to cycle (CityBike in Copenhagen, Velib in Paris, etc.), perhaps our descriptions should be taking this into acount. We should stop thinking of the city in automotive or pedestrain terms, and take a bicycle-bound perspective to our urban interrogations. What would Reyner Banham say? Imagine the highways of Los Angeles, thick with cyclists, sweeping over each other in epic mile-long pelotons.

There is a poetry of discovering a city by bicycle. The cyclist sees everything, goes everywhere; stops, starts at will. You are not a slave to your automobile like those driving through the city, and you are able to exploit that all-pervading city terrain: the road, unlike those on foot.
The city is at your feet, pump up your tyres, and go.

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